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If you ever want to leave a mark in the sands of time or make a name for something beneficial to man and his generations to come, then sending a child, a group of children, or a family to school is the best deal.

The dividends of education are numerous,  more than creating an edifice of learning to reproduce TECH giants, Industrial Icons, Government Leaders, or creating another human life on planet Mars. It means you become the source of hope to another human, it means you reproduce yourself in another using your natural resources thereby sharing in the creative abilities God has given to you. That is one of the best kinds of fulfillment a man could have.

Many of the social problems we face today are results of wrong education or non-education of the populace, the challenges increase as the society enlarges in population and practices. Africa’s steaming population is over 1.3 Billion (Worldometer, 2021), and it keeps rising till eternity. Likewise, the emerging problems facing its population also keep surging but we must begin to look for the solutions rather than spending time on the wounds or predicting the damages still to come. The solutions come through leadership, action, and innovation. Someone must do something useful to change the status quo.

Leadership is the key to growth, development, impact, change, and innovation. For many countries in Africa, this part is lacking, very low, and inconsistent.
The resultant effect is an impeded generation of youths lacking the bearing and psychological direction to make something out of life, develop the genius in them, become an icon of positivism in society.
That leadership drive is what you deliver when you sponsor a child to school, you birth a nation, a generation, and a mental institution of greatness, hope, happiness, life, and fulfillment. This is the feeling and response we get and deliver when we interview the children we have contributed positively to. It makes their world healthy, they see light, hope, a positive future, and even become agents of unforgettable impact to others later on. It’s one change that creates another change, that’s how to change our continent and impact our world.

Are you adding hope to a child out there in need? They are hungry and anxious to see you touch their lives this way. The door is widely open for Sponsorship, join us today as we add value to someone’s life in CEF.

You can start by donating to our cause and writing your name in the history of someone.


Planting a seed is never an easy task if you ask a farmer, the processes from land preparation to planting cost multiplicative. This is the reason why no one looks the way of the farmer but we all want to eat the fruits of their hard work. Some time ago while in the University I read in a book where the famous Earnest Rutherford was once sitting on a scholarship board and the interest from other heads of the board came that the scholarship is scrapped off for one reason or the other.
This wise scientist who gave us a modified Model of the Atom for which science is forever grateful replied and said: “if not for this scholarship, I would never have gotten to where I am now”

That’s the impact of aides, donations, and scholarships, it reaches generations down the line. Today, wise institutions develop financial models to fund students from international and local communities fully for education. these students after their schooling go back to their home country to impact change. The benefits are endless.

You can be a source of hope to children today, join the team now. Reach us with your donations at CEF.

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